Naturist Code of Conduct

1) Always sit on a towel, whether at a club, camp, or beach.  “If your butt is bare, then cover the chair”.  

2) Do not take unsolicited photos.  Always ask for people’s permission before taking a photo of them.  Do not photograph anyone under the age of consent.  Don’t upload any consensual photos to the internet or social media without checking with the other parties first.  If you are a professional photographer make sure that your model signs a release form if submitting photos to a naturist publication.

3) Don’t make sexual jokes or use profanity in the presence of families and kids.  Keep that kind of talk to your own private circle.

4) Parents must supervise their kids at all times.  Kids must use the ‘buddy system’ if they want to go off on their own, and always have an alibi where reporting suspicious behaviour is concerned.

5) At naturist parties, not everybody has the same comfort level with nudity, especially if they are new to the lifestyle.  Body acceptance is the theme for naturism. Different venues and clubs have different policies regarding clothing optionality vs nude only.  With this group, it is clothing optional only in cold and inclement weather or if a girl or woman is menstruating.

6) No drunkenness, illegal or illicit drugs, or boorish behaviour.  Any overt sexual behaviour or sexual harassment will see you banned from the community and reported to police.  In short, if you wouldn’t behave that way at a family picnic or an RSL for example, then you don’t behave like that in a naturist situation either.  Cigarette smoking is also not condoned.  Naturism is about living a healthy lifestyle.

7) Don’t wear revealing or sexually provocative clothing publicly.  Naturism is not about drawing attention to breasts, buttocks or genitals, it is about accepting the whole body.  Tattoos and piercings are more accepted by naturists now, especially in a bid to attract the younger generations.  

8) Do not go nude in non-established nude areas or where it’s not safe to be nude.  If a sign says ‘clothing required’ then comply with it.  With that said, nude protests are necessary in order to convince MPs to legalize nude recreation in some public places like parks, beaches, national parks and waterways like they have in other places.  But don’t do it alone.

9) Don’t be rude to police, park rangers, club or camp owners or captains.  You are an ambassador for naturism, and the more you behave in a dignified manner when nude the more respect you get.

10) Respect other people’s property.

11) If hiking or bushwalking, respect wildlife.  Do not feed, chase, or torment native animals.  Leave them alone, especially if they are venomous.

12) Obey all parking regulations when driving to beaches, national parks or clubs.  The last thing that you want after a day’s enjoyment is a hefty parking fine.

13) Don’t litter.  If you are having a picnic at a camp or beach, bring a garbage bag to take your rubbish home unless there are bins installed in the places.  Part of naturism is about respecting the earth and the environment.

14) Speak up for your standards.  Set boundaries when making new friends at nudist places.  If someone is behaving inappropriately or creeping you out, don’t take it on the chin.  Say something like “That behaviour is unacceptable and if you do not desist then I will take action”.  That usually puts the offender at bay.

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